This week, I learned and understood the connection between medicine technology and art. In the lecture, Dr. Vesna provides many examples where renowned artists perform with the tools of medicine technology. One of that artist is ORLAN, and her art did render uncomfortable when I tried to understand the overall purpose. Though I believe it is brave for her to bring gender issues by describing her process as one that focused on the stories of different women into the limelight with her art form. ORLAN before the cosmetic surgery operation she broadcast to galleries worldwide. Photograph: Sipa Press/REX/Shutterstock To me, ORLAN's art used medicine technology for physical alterations. It is amazing to learn that medicine technology could also work for mental and sensory satisfaction as described by Diana Gromala, with virtual reality, sensory information in the form of art can act as a distraction to help alleviate pain. MRI Brain Scan Resutls In Different Views P...